Turner Sims Southampton is seeking a Co-Chair and up to four new members to join our Strategic Board and help us deliver our ambitious and exciting five-year plan.
Closing date: Friday 3 February 2023
Our Vision is communities connected locally and globally through the joy of live music
Our Mission is to share live music that connects, moves and inspires people through extraordinary experiences in our venue and beyond
Co-Chair Role
Strategic Board Recruitment Pack
Complete the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Survey
We want to hear from people who are passionate about the value of music and performing arts organisations to their local and regional communities and who can support our new vision and mission. We need new perspectives, industry expertise and diverse lived experience to help us achieve our goals.
We are on an exciting five-year programme to develop Turner Sims as a dynamic, creative music hub engaging with diverse audiences from within the University of Southampton and the wider communities of Southampton, contributing to the civic pride of Southampton.
We are committed to becoming more representative, to making space for a wider range of voices and experience within our strategic board and workforce. We are seeking to make our organisation more inclusive. Ensuring the membership of our board reflects the diversity of our local communities is very important to us and so we are particularly keen to hear from people from a culturally diverse background (including Black, Asian, Dual Heritage and Other ethnic groups), D/deaf and Disabled people and LGBTQI+, who are currently underrepresented in the Arts and Cultural sector. Co-Chair, Turner Sims Strategic Board, Dec 2022 4 We want to ensure that our board includes the perspectives of artists and participants, and that it is as balanced as possible in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation and socio-economic background.
Want to find out more about being a Board Member?
We recognise that if you’ve not been on an organisation’s Board before, then you may have questions about the role.
If you’d like to find out more about what it means to be on a Board, email arts@soton.ac.uk to arrange an informal chat with Louise Coysh or Val Drayton.
How to apply
To start the conversation, we are asking you to send us an expression of interest. You can send us a letter of no more than two pages, or if you prefer, you can send a video or audio file of no more than 5 minutes (preferred format MP4).
Please tell us:
• Why you would like to join the Strategic Board
• What you think you would bring to the organisation and how your skills could support the Strategic Board and team in achieving its vision.
• A bit about yourself, the work you do and your previous experience.
Please send your expression of interest to ARTS@soton.ac.uk by Friday 3 February 2023, along with completing the online Equal Opportunities Monitoring Survey
Please mark your email as confidential and include ‘Board application’ in the subject line. If you’d like an informal phone chat about this role, please contact Louise & Val to arrange a time, via ARTS@Soton.ac.uk
We are planning to hold interviews online w/c 20 February 2023
We want everyone who believes they can contribute to Turner Sims Strategic Board to feel welcome and able to apply. We want to ensure the application process is accessible, and to give you the information you need to decide whether you might be suitable. If you require the recruitment pack or any further information in a different format, or have questions before you apply, please get in touch with ARTS@Soton.ac.uk or contact Val on 023 8059 4209.