Free: Summer Family Day | Puppetry And Conducting Workshop

SUNDAY 30 JUNE - 2:15 PM

Ever wondered what a conductor does in front of an orchestra? How do their body movements relate to the sound the musicians are making? What aspects of the music are they trying to communicate?

Join musicians from the University of Southampton, puppeteers from Dotted Line Theatre and puppet Pythagoras to explore music conducting. During the workshop you’ll create a paper puppet, and then help to conduct some of the strange, wonderful music from our show ‘Pythagoras’ Toolkit’!

Supported by University of Southampton Centre for Music Education and Social Justice

Running time: 45 minutes
Suitable for: ages 5 – 11 years
Location: marquee on lawn

FREE – no need to book, just drop in! 

Numbers for this workshop are limited – first come, first served

Summer Family Day: find out more