This Summer, we have waved a sad goodbye to Lauren Jolliffe, who started as Concert Promotions Intern and leaves us after a period as Arts Programme Coordinator. We wish her the very best of luck in her new role at Tickemaster! Read on to discover how her experience at Turner Sims has supported her professional growth…
I started working at Turner Sims back in January 2022, an impressionable 23-year-old who’d just moved down to Southampton to pursue a masters in International Music Management. Since working here, I’ve successfully completed my degree, have been a part of the Turner Sims Future Producers Scheme, and am starting a new role at Ticketmaster in the coming weeks. None of this would have been possible without the support and guidance of everyone at Turner Sims, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunities the last year have provided.
It’s hard to pick a favourite part of my experience at Turner Sims. One stand-out moment has definitely been the schools’ concerts – seeing so many children get excited by music and interacting with the musicians and staff here has been a delight, despite the questionable noises that have come out of the hall! Another highlight for me has been The Ripple Effect project with The Third Orchestra. It was so much fun to be involved in the marketing campaign for the project, and witnessing the array of talented musicians I’d had the opportunity to interview prior to the concert.
From my extensive time working in the marketing office with Jo, to my brief time with Jilly in the box office and Liz and Susan in admin, I can’t express my gratitude enough for all the skills and knowledge the last year has given me, as well as an amazing team I’m going to miss like mad!
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