Good luck, Molly and Lauren!

Lauren and Molly (second and third from left) with University Arts Ambassadors Annette Warner and Molly Adams, and Jazz South Intern Kareena Lawson.


As Spring slowly arrives, we wave goodbye to our latest Programme and Marketing Interns. Molly Joyce and Lauren Hoven have each completed an Excel Internship here over the past six months, providing us with invaluable assistance in all sorts of different projects and tasks, and gaining knowledge and skills along the way! We asked them to tell us more about their experience at Turner Sims…


Molly Joyce

For the past 6 months, I have been a Marketing and Programming Intern at Turner Sims – a leading classical and jazz music hall. When I first started at Turner Sims I had little knowledge of classical/jazz artists and even less understanding of what it takes to run an arts venue. However throughout my internship I have learnt so much about this sector due to editing classical programmes to be sold at concerts, contacting agents and even being able to interview some visiting artists.

Throughout my time at Turner Sims, I gained copy writing skills, ran and grew social media, made a comprehensive list of schools and sixth forms that can be contacted about upcoming performances and started a ‘5 Quick Questions With’ blog series. I also learnt that behind the scenes of arts marketing is a lot more hands on then I possibly realised as an important part of the job in flyering, stuffing envelopes and sending multiple emails to other organisations.

This experience will help me with future employment opportunities as I have experience of writing copy and creating programmes on my own as well as liasing with agents and programme writers. This is great experience to have as to gain a job in arts management/marketing, these skills are essential.

I would definitely recommend an Excel Southampton Internship to any students thinking about applying for one. They offer great pay as well as the opportunity to gain skills that not only will impress employers, but also will help you to identify what career path you might want to follow after graduation.


Lauren Hoven

My internship at Turner Sims has certainly been an enjoyable and valuable experience. I have learnt a lot about the way in which a concert hall is run, in particular the marketing office. This has been very useful as the experience as a whole has encouraged me to apply for jobs in marketing once I graduate.

During my time here, I have produced a number of programmes for performing artists, made videos to promote the performances and assisted with the day-to-day running of the office. Prior to this, the work experience placements I had completed had only been for a week or two, so to be able to add this six-month placement- at an organisation like Turner Sims- to my CV will hopefully help with future employment opportunities.

Although completing my internship alongside university has often been challenging, especially being in my third year, I would urge any student to apply for one- it has been a thoroughly rewarding and fulfilling opportunity.


Lauren and Molly are both due to graduate this summer. We will be cheering them on and wishing them lots of luck as they step into their next adventures! 


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