INTERN INSIGHTS: Concert Promotions Intern Becky Davies reflects on her internship experience…

A period of mourning is declared in the Marketing Office, as we say goodbye to another fantastic student intern! Becky had a Turner Sims internship like none before her, working with colleagues she mostly never actually met, for a venue she was barely allowed to enter! We are thrilled she was able to experience live music in the concert hall before her time with us came to an end – and we think she did a brilliant job under extraordinary circumstances. Read on as she reflects on her experience over the past months…

Interning at Turner Sims has been an awesome way to end my undergraduate studies at the University of Southampton. I’ve always loved live music, so to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes to put these shows together has been really interesting. I’ve learned how to write press releases, promote events on social media and update our press contacts lists and event listings.

Mayflower400: Voyages of the Heart

However, my favourite part of this internship has been the music itself, as throughout my time at Turner Sims I’ve discovered some incredible artists and experienced genres that were entirely new to me. Being a part of the Mayflower 400: Voyages of the Heart event in April was incredible – researching all of the history surrounding the Mayflower and hearing the stories of migrant communities from our city put to music is something I will never forget. Furthermore, having the opportunity to interview some of the amazing artists who have performed at Turner Sims over the last few months has been seriously cool – Snowpoet, Sacconi Quartet and Omar Puente were all really engaging and informative with their answers, and it was an absolute pleasure to get an insight into the musicians behind the music! I particularly loved what Omar Puente said about music being like life itself – a constant learning process. That really resonated with me, especially as a new graduate.


I have loved having the opportunity to develop my writing and interviewing skills throughout my time here, and even though the continuing Covid-19 pandemic has made this internship pretty different than those who came before me, I have really enjoyed my time working with Turner Sims. It’s great to see live music coming back after such a long period of absence and I am proud to have been a part of it even in a small way.

Thank you for all your hard work, Becky – we wish you the best in whatever you do next!

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